ProjectWise Explorer Help

Default Version Labeling Rules

When you create a new version of a document, you can enter your own custom label for the version, or you can let ProjectWise automatically assign either an alpha or numeric version identifier for you. By default, ProjectWise uses alpha version identifiers, but the administrator can use ProjectWise Administrator to change this to numeric if necessary. You can also use a mix of custom labels and automatically assigned version identifiers when creating new versions of a particular document, it is not a matter of one or the other.

When you let ProjectWise automatically assign alpha version identifiers, ProjectWise uses the next available letter of the alphabet as the version identifier. For example, let's say you have a document named building.dgn and you want to create 3 versions of it. The original document always has no version identifier. The first version you create is automatically assigned letter A as the version identifier, the second version you create is assigned letter B, and so on. When you reach the end of the alphabet (that is, after 26 versions have been created), the labeling starts over at AA, AB, AC, and so on. When version display is turned on, the version set would look something like this in the document list:

(Document) Name Version
building.dgn D
building.dgn C
building.dgn B
building.dgn A

If you happen to use a custom label when creating a particular version, and then you go back to letting ProjectWise automatically assign the version identifier for the next version you create, ProjectWise will skip the letter that would have been assigned when you entered your custom label, and will move on to the next letter in the alphabet. For example, for the first two versions the user lets ProjectWise label them "A" and "B", for the third version the user enters the custom label "Draft Sent for Review" (instead of letting ProjectWise automatically assign letter "C"), and then for the fourth version the user lets ProjectWise automatically assign the version identifier again, and so for the fourth version ProjectWise skips letter "C" and assigns the next letter, which is "D".

(Document) Name Version
building.dgn D
building.dgn Draft Sent for Review
building.dgn B
building.dgn A